Orders are generally shipped within 1 day from the date of your order depending on the product you have purchased. Once an order has shipped, the transit time depends on the shipping method you have selected.
Please remember transit times DO NOT include the day of shipment, weekends, or holidays. Please also remember that transit times are estimates provided by the carrier (USPS, UPS, or FEDEX) and are not to be confused with a transit time guarantee. We can only guarantee that your order will ship out with your selected carrier with in an appropriate time period. Once your order is shipped out with your selected carrier, we no longer have any control over delivery time as the shipment is with the carrier, and not with us.
For US orders, standard USPS normally takes 7-10 business days. Upgraded USPS normally takes 3-5 business days. UPS/FedEX ground normally take 2-6 business days. On occasion, there may be transit time delays if the carrier misroutes the shipments. This is out of our control, and is the responsibility of the carrier.
For international orders, we ship with USPS Air Letter Post. Generally international shipments take 7-10 business days from day of shipment unless customs causes a delay for some reason. Depending on the product ordered, and your local customs policy, it can take up to 6 weeks to clear customs. Please note that customs officials of any country are authorized to, and sometimes do open packages for inspection. We cannot accept responsibility for any orders delayed, confiscated or seized by foreign customs or governments. Contact customs officials in your country for the best information on how your order will be handled by them. USPS does not issue tracking numbers for international shipments.
Customs duties may or may not be imposed by customs officials in your country. These fees are your responsibility, and are not included in our shipping charges. These fees vary region by region and go directly to your government.
The tracking status for my USPS shipment only reads "There is no record of this item"?
Please note USPS will typically only provide update of shipment status on delivery or attempt of delivery. Unlike UPS or FedEX, USPS does not scan shipments in transit, USPS only scans shipments on delivery. Your USPS shipment status will continue to only read "There is no record of this item" until delivery is made.
If your USPS tracking number shows: "Accepted in Hebron, KY", it does not mean your order was delivered to an address in Hebron, KY. It means your shipment was last scanned at the Hebron, KY USPS Center. Your shipment is still in transit, and should arrive shortly to your address.
My Package has not been received?
For shipments in the US, please allow up to 10 business days before contacting us. Regardless of the shipping method, please remember that transit times are only estimates based on information from the carrier and are completely dependent on the carrier.
For international/Canadian shipments, please allow 6 weeks as your order may be delayed in local customs. Please check with your local customs or carrier to inquire about your shipment. As USPS does not issue tracking numbers for international orders, we will not be able to look up the status of your shipment.
Can I cancel my order if I just placed it?
Once an order has been submitted, your credit card will be automatically authorized for funds. Our ordering process is streamlined so your order will immediately be sent to processing and then shipping. Due to the high volume of orders we process, we are unable to cancel an order after it is submitted, even if it is just several minutes after it is submitted. Please do not place an order if you wish to cancel it later.
If you do not wish to keep your order once it has arrived, you may return it for a refund.
How can I return my order?
Please review the specific refund/return information on the product website that you made your purchase from.
You are only allowed to return one opened product to still receive a complete refund (minus S&H). Your return must include ALL items received, including any free or promotional items. EXAMPLE: If you purchased 4 items of a product for $80.00 + $5.00 S&H, and received an extra item for free - you must return all 5 items, and only 1 may be opened to receive a refund of $80.00).
Returns MUST BE made with in the applicate time period of guarantee (30 days of your order date).